Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, is facing serious legal troubles in France. He has been charged with complicity in the spread of child seexual abuse images and other crimes like drug trafficking on the popular messaging app.

French prosecutors accuse Durov of being uncooperative with authorities, claiming he refused to assist with legal wiretaps on suspects using Telegram. They also allege that he enabled organized criminals to carry out illegal activities on the platform.

Durov, 39, was detained at Le Bourget airport near Paris on Saturday after arriving by private jet. He spent four days in police custody for questioning. On Wednesday, prosecutors ordered him to pay €5 million ($5.6 million) in bail and prohibited him from leaving France.

Paris Prosecutor Laure Beccuau highlighted Telegram’s lack of cooperation in cases involving crimes against minors, drug trafficking, and online hate. She noted that similar issues have been reported by authorities in neighboring countries like Belgium. This lack of response led JUNALCO, a unit focusing on organized crime, to investigate the potential criminal responsibility of Telegram’s executives.

Telegram has not yet commented on these developments. However, in a statement released on Sunday via Telegram, the Dubai-based company defended Durov, stating that he has “nothing to hide” and that Telegram complies with European laws. The statement also argued that it is unreasonable to hold a platform or its owner responsible for abuses committed by users.

Durov’s approach to regulation has helped Telegram grow into a massive platform but has also led to conflicts with governments over his reluctance to moderate content more effectively. Known for his libertarian views, Durov has often been seen as a controversial figure, even adopting a style reminiscent of Keanu Reeves’ character Neo from *The Matrix*.

While the charges against Durov are significant, any potential criminal trial may be months or even years away. In the meantime, Durov and his legal team will have the chance to challenge the accusations. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison.